Claim Your Power Application

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Feeling Like this is the perfect fit for you - Here is your next step!

You are drawn to this 12 month coaching program because you

===> Are already using your gifts with your clients and you want to figure out how to incorporate it into all parts of your business, content and containers

===>Are already showing up and selling on social media but not getting the results you used to and it is feeling harder to know what to say.

===> Have already created programs & containers and know there is another level you can take it to in order to work with an even more aligned client.

The program consists of a 45 min personal call every month & weekly checkins to ensure you have lots of alignment and implementation time between calls but also the support when you require it.

First Step:
Fill out the application below and I will follow up via DM or Email within the next 24-48 hours!

This is for you if you are ready to create

:: A POWERFUL MINDSET to own what you do and give yourself permission to work with who you want to work with

:: A SIMPLIFIED BUSINESS MODEL by building aligned/powerful containers to work with your clients that supports both you and them.

:: CAPTIVATING CONTENT that calls in your perfect client and allows you to easily sell online a way that does not feel like selling!

You have been working toward this.
You have been trying to figure this out alone.
You feel like you need support to help stop it feeling so hard.

You KNOW you want to do this and you are DETERMINED to Claim Your Power.

And you desire to work with someone who has already done it, can guide you and answer your questions!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Breda x

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